• There is no agreed upon upper limit of treatment duration. Provided no contraindications occur, treatment can continue if it is beneficial, and should be reviewed at least annually.

  • The risks of therapy depends on the dose and type of estrogen, and whether progesterone is given alongside. Your personal and family history is also important to consider your individual risks.

    HRT can slightly increase your risk of breast cancer and blood clots, the risk is small but increasing the longer you use it. Usually the risk is outweighed by the benefits particularly in patients treated <10 years from the onset of menopause.

  • Upon beginning treatment, it can take 3-6 months up titrating the doses of HRT. If symptoms are well controlled, a review every 6-12 months is reccomended.

  • We work as a private clinic focused on hormone treatment and invest in this particular area of your health. However, we are happy to see our patients for any health concerns. You will primarily remain under the care of your registered GP Clinic.